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  Teena's Legacy Where We Revive, Restore, Reupholster Furniture and lives.


Teena’s Legacy

Upholstery Training Program


General Description:  4-8 participants is ideal for this program, but is open to increase the number of participant if the space allows.  You have an option to choose different packages up to 12-60 hours of hands-on upholstery instruction, fabric layout, cutting,  and demos; how to estimate and choose fabric yardage, and everything else that goes into reupholstering and reviving furniture. Each class will begin with a simple arm chair, dinning room chair or foot stool. We will provide the furniture and fabric for this project. If you decided to advance on you will bring in your own furniture and we will guide you through the process in reupholstering that piece of furniture. This process can go on until you reach 60 hours of training.


We will also incorporate our “I Transformed My Life,” curriculum to provide a more holistic approach to the program.


I Transformed My Life curriculum is designed to help each participant start the process of re-creating themselves anew. We at Teena’s Legacy provide a safe space for each participant to identify their likes dislikes, wants, passion and purpose in life. We provide a safe space to start the healing process, along with a space where each participant can confront their past and deal with their current challenges.



Why revive, restore and re-upholster furniture?


  • Save money by doubling  the life of old furniture

  • There is always a need for reupholstering furniture

  • A beautiful satisfying hobby

  • Modernize or upgrade your décor

  • Learn a trade you can build on and use forever

  • Great way to subsidize your income





Teena's Legacy and Schools 













                      Nicholson Elementary School






Teena's Legacy 12 week Training Program







Teena's Legacy


Telephone : ​773-678-3638

Email :

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